Brain Harmony Therapy Process
Lara Shane:
Hi, my name is Lara Shane, and I'm one of the co-founders for Brain Harmony. At Brain Harmony we have created an innovative yet extremely powerful approach to achieving cognitive and behavioral change, and the best part is, from the convenience of your own home.
Lara Shane:
We often get asked, "I don't understand, how does this work?" Well, it's quite simple. The process of therapy is still the same. We establish a baseline of function, we develop a plan of care, we implement that plan of care, then we reassess and discharge. That process is still the same, but instead of leaving work, picking up your family members, going to clinics multiple times a week for months and months and months, we can achieve stronger, faster outcomes, because we're going to put the most powerful tools to effect change in brains into your home, and our therapists are going to come in by phone and video conference and coach you on how to implement them in the home setting.
Lara Shane:
What does the process of care look like at Brain Harmony? The first step is for you to schedule a complimentary consultation on our website. This is the time where we get to learn about you, your family, what struggles you have been having. Then we will spend some time sharing with you what tools we use, how they will affect your family members, and what kind of outcomes you could expect to receive. All this is done by phone and before you make a commitment to join our program.
Lara Shane:
The second step in Brain Harmony's process of care is establishing a baseline of function. We take a combined approach to doing this by reviewing medical history. We'll have you complete the Brain Harmony quiz. This is a neurological profile, and the answers to the questions help us understand best how your family members struggles are affecting their function, because let's face it, that's what we want to do, is perform and function, so by understanding what functioning they are not able to do, we will develop a plan of care to effect and change those functions.
Lara Shane:
The third step in Brain Harmony's process of care is establishing a plan of care. At Brain Harmony we have two major components to our plan of care. Yes, good strong occupational therapy protocols combined with powerful tools, neuroplastic tools that are easy to apply in the home setting. The combination of both of those make up a plan of care for every family we work with at Brain Harmony.
Lara Shane:
The next step in Brain Harmony's process of care is that you will be assigned to multiple therapists who will be available to you. We typically come in the beginning weekly and help you learn how to use the protocols and equipment, tweak, change and adjust based on how your family member is responding to the therapy. We're going to hold your hand through this every step of the way. Once you're feeling comfortable with the use of the equipment, you've established a habit of therapy in the home, something that is critical for success in our program. The number one determining factor of success in our program is establishing a habit, because we know when we can get you doing the therapy that we've put together for you, you will see the change that you seek.
Lara Shane:
After you're feeling comfortable and we've established a habit, then we're going to come in by video conference and complete the Brain Harmony essential skills screen. On this call, we're going to evaluate your reflexes, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, ocular motor skills, feeding skills, whatever the issues are that we need to address, we will assess them. Based on what we see, we will then recommend specific therapeutic activities to do during therapy to further along the deficiencies we see during the essential skills screen.
Lara Shane:
Over the time that you are with us, we have established lesson plans to teach you how to do the therapy we're recommending for you. We will include videos, documents, and other items through email that will help you implement the services in the home.
Lara Shane:
The last step is graduation. We'll complete another assessment using the Brain Harmony quiz where you can compare your performance from when you started with Brain Harmony and before you graduate from our program.