

One's ability to develop functional speech and language as intended, is dependent upon how solid the foundation of their central nervous system (CNS) has been built over their lifetime.

When there are holes in the lower areas of the nervous system, like a weakened vestibular system, disorganized sensory system, retained primitive reflexes, poor autonomic regulation, and/or poor ocular motor control, then access to speech gets consistently farther away due to the layers of dysfunction.

Speech development is best improved and supported with vagal regulation, which can allow our friends to access the social portal of human engagement. By using a comprehensive neurological approach, we can fill the holes in the CNS and lay the hardwiring for speech-in-language into the brain, so the skills bubble to the surface. Witnessing friends who have never spoken before suddenly verbalize, is one of the greatest joys we have as Brain Harmony therapists. And the bright smiles from the clients who are experiencing this groundbreaking change in their lives, is pretty great too.


Our proprietary 5-Step Plan of Care is based on proven protocols, therapeutic activities, with over 20 years and 250,000+ hours of combined clinical practice.

Most importantly, our 5-Step Plan of Care is completely tailored to your unique challenges, needs, and goals. 

So you can get the personalized care you (or your child) needs to achieve the outcomes you need. 

Testimonials and Success Story Videos

Non-Speaking to Speaking

At Lucas’s 18th month appointment his mother Megan realized that he had never started babbling. Lucas’s only communication was through grunting, he had never slept a full night in his life, and he was frightened by loud noises and change. The first time Lucas started listening with Brain Harmony, he slept through the night and started making babbling noises. He quickly became a vibrant boy, learning to communicate affectively through words and sentences, excited to try new things by becoming much more engaged in everyday life. 

“Immediately his first time listening he start babbling and making sounds, and he had never done that before. Now he almost says full sentences, sometimes he does say full sentences. I can honestly say that it is so worth it, I wouldn’t take it back for a second. It’s a huge change, sometimes I can’t believe it. It was definitely the right choice, because all of us can benefit from it.”

Non-Speaking, Autism, and Emotional Dysregulation

Micah was developing normally until 15 months of age and he began to regress.  Diagnosed with Autism at 2 and a half years old, Micah suffered from sensory issues, was primarily nonverbal, and had severe trouble engaging with his family and surroundings. After only a few months of Brain Harmony therapy, Micah began to make eye contact and engage with his family.  He has become a happy, vibrant, and engaged child. He shows affection, his sensory sensitivities have reduced, and he has made great progress in school and speech. His family is thrilled with his progress and they can’t wait to see what comes next!

“The two things I would say is that he is just more engaged and he’s just happy, he’s smiling. He’s just happy to be with us, and I think he’s happier with life. Honestly for two years we rarely saw him smile, and he has a wonderful dimple so when he smiles the whole world melts and we’re like, oh my gosh we’re seeing him smiling now, and we never saw that before. And of course as a mom all you want for your kid is to be happy, so to see him just happy, to just be alive, it’s just really cool, and I’m just super pleased with that.” 

Tired of making little to no gains with traditional therapy?

Contact us today to learn how Brain Harmony can help you.

Faster Stronger Smarter