Memory & Executive Function


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Executive Functions (ExFx) are crucial for managing daily tasks, from basic routines to complex goals. They include:

  • Working Memory: Temporary information storage.

  • Mental Flexibility: Adapting attention and behavior.

  • Self-Control, Planning, Organization, Time Management, Emotional Control, Sustained Attention, and Goal Persistence.

Deficits in ExFx, common in ADHD, autism, and learning disorders, impact organization, task initiation, and focus. These functions rely on interconnected brain regions, not a single area.

Our Approach: We use sound frequencies and vibration (not medication) to enhance brain connectivity efficiently. Starting with foundational sensory skills (like coordination, balance, body awareness) using specific auditory frequencies (0-750 Hz), we build up to advanced ExFx abilities. This method is grounded in neuroplasticity, offering a quicker, side-effect-free alternative to traditional therapies.

Key Insight:  ExFx development depends on a robust sensory foundation, visualized as a pyramid with ExFx at the peak, supported by a broad base of sensory skills. Strengthening this base accelerates the development of executive functions.


Our proprietary 5-Step Plan of Care is based on proven protocols, therapeutic activities, with over 20 years and 250,000+ hours of combined clinical practice.

Most importantly, our 5-Step Plan of Care is completely tailored to your unique challenges, needs, and goals. 

So you can get the personalized care you (or your child) needs to achieve the outcomes you need. 

Testimonials and Success Story Videos



Executive Function, Anxiety, High Stress, and Panic Attacks

Steppie had stress to the point of barely functioning, in a constant state of fight-or-flight, unable to work, anxiety so intense she couldn't even see the world around her, and panic attacks in the middle of the night. After working with Brain Harmony, she says she could focus on work for hours at a time, see the simple beauty around her on her walks, and sleep through the night. Watch her testimonial above, to hear the joy in her voice as she reflects on her before - and her after.

You’ll have so many personal rewards because of it…Brain Harmony is so supportive and so caring, they’ll help you have a life back.”

Memory Issues, Brain Fog, Anxiety, Sleep Struggles

Nancy is a nurse in an intensive care unit and was suffering from anxiety, brain fog, and depression. She was having trouble with processing, getting her thoughts down on paper, word retrieval, and memory. She had tried pharmaceuticals and lifestyle changes to address these issues, but they just weren’t working, so she went on the hunt for another solution. After a short time using Brain Harmony’s therapies, like the Safe and Sound Protocol and the Alpha Stim, Nancy’s anxiety dissipated, she started enjoying life, sleeping better, her brain fog went away, and her cognitive function improved tremendously. She feels like Brain Harmony was the missing key in her health journey.

“It’s easy to use, you’re expertly guided, you can do it on your own at your own pace, and it can have a profound impact on your life. I really feel that this was the missing piece to help my overall quality of life”

Billy, a 9 yo child with ASD, with developing Executive Functions, has been really excelling after starting Brain Harmony! "This is going really great!" Mom gave her son a birthday card to write in for a family member. Mom reports he usually just signs his name or draws a picture. This time when he gave his mom the card, there were 3 sentences written in it.  Mom and her son then had an open conversation about his punctuation. Mom reports that her son is reading really well these days; he and mom read together every day. "He has had a lot of success.” He is taking more accountability and pride for things. "He is taking more ownership in how he factors in what will happen.” Mom reports that he has moved through the 4th grade workbook and are almost done with his 5th grade workbook! 

Tired of making little to no gains with Traditional Therapy?

Contact us today to learn how Brain Harmony can help you.

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