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Taking the quiz below will help us understand your family member’s key conditions.

On your Quiz Results page, you’ll be able to schedule your free consultation with a Brain Harmony therapist!

This quiz is best filled out on a laptop, desktop or tablet. Completing on mobile phone may result in an incomplete test results.

Packages start at $300/month* with individualized treatment plans for up to 4 family members. Average length in program is 4-10 months. Includes unlimited access to multiple listening programs, specialized therapist coaching and neurological lesson plans. *Setup fee and shipping added.


If you run into any issues along the way, please call 727-999-9124 or email 

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Recipient of the 2020 Impact Award

The NBCOT Impact Award recognizes OTRs or COTAs who demonstrate exceptional professional commitment through dedication, hard work, and outstanding OT skills to improve their clients' life satisfaction.


Brain Harmony provides the most powerful and proven therapies to help children and adults with any type of learning or performance difficulty. From autism spectrum, attention and regulation issues, strokes, brain injury, sensory processing disorder, concussions, dyslexia or any type of neurological dysfunction, Brain Harmony can help.

Our national, home-based program will bring the therapy into your home at significantly less cost than traditional offerings. Best yet, our programs work and are pennies on the dollar compared to traditional therapies in a clinic. Not only that, you can do it in the convenience of your own home and it is easy to use.


Brain Harmony Patient Review

“I encourage the moms in our audience to give it a try. It’s worth taking the time, it’s easy to do; and to me and my daughter, it has honestly, truly, been life changing.”

- Wendy, Brain Harmony Client, Rockstar Mom and Entrepreneur & Pioneer in Homeschool Community