Unlocking Academic Potential Through Brain Harmony


Struggling academically can be a complex issue where the brain and nervous system's development may not be aligning as expected. This often manifests as poor academic performance, which is more than just a challenge; it's a symptom of deeper neurological processes.

We recognize the multifaceted stress—emotional, physical, and financial—that accompanies persistent academic underperformance. However, there's considerable hope because of the brain's neuroplasticity, the ability to form new connections and pathways. This means cognitive enhancement is possible at any age.

At Brain Harmony, we specialize in treating learning disorders and neurological dysfunction by addressing the root causes. Our comprehensive, home-based neurological program is designed to:

  • Rewire Cognitive Functions: Utilizing tools that promote positive changes in the brain.

  • Enhance Neurological Integrity: Addressing issues like auditory processing, visual tracking, emotional regulation, and vestibular function.

Our approach doesn't just aim to improve grades or test scores; it focuses on building a foundation for lasting cognitive improvement that benefits individuals in school, homeschooling settings, or professional environments.
Experience Brain Harmony – where we transform academic struggles into opportunities for growth and success.


Our proprietary 5-Step Plan of Care is based on proven protocols, therapeutic activities, with over 20 years and 250,000+ hours of combined clinical practice.

Most importantly, our 5-Step Plan of Care is completely tailored to your unique challenges, needs, and goals. 

So you can get the personalized care you (or your child) needs to achieve the outcomes you need. 

Testimonials and Success Story Videos

ADD, Academic Struggles and Anxiety

Grant struggled with ADD, focus, nervousness, and anxiety for most of his life - preventing him from enjoying life to the fullest and performing at his peak potential at school. After working with Brain Harmony, Grant has achieved AB Honor Roll, has become more affectionate, and has tapped into his new found love for creative writing.

"Anxiety wise - before, I'd just get panic attacks just.. thinking about the future and how it's going to affect me. But now I've just been thinking about now." - Grant

"You have absolutely nothing to lose. No matter where you're at mentally, you have room to improve always. And it can be life-changing if you'll just give it a shot." - Grant's Mom

Academic Struggles, Anxiety, Sleep, Sensory Integration

Cassie and her husband were at their wits end after trying everything to help manage their son Emery’s stress, insomnia, and trouble learning at school. When Cassie heard about Brain Harmony on a Wellness Mama podcast, she knew she had to give it a shot. After an incredible free consultation, she decided to have the whole family begin the therapy. Within a short amount of time Emery began sleeping, his stress levels went down tremendously, he started excelling in school, and for the first time in his life he was playing sports with his siblings. His two brothers also saw incredible improvements in stress levels, creativity, and learning. His youngest brother in kindergarten is even reading at a 1st grade level!

“We were kind of at our wit’s end and just didn’t really have a lot of options, so I thought - what do I have to lose? We had been two years on multiple different doctors appointments and not getting anywhere. So I reached out to you for the free consult, and after speaking with you it was like you knew things that no other doctor had ever put the pieces together, and I just thought okay this is a definite for Emery. Really this is the only things that’s worked for us… you pick him up from school and he had a smile on his face… his quality of life has just really increased tremendously.”

Dyslexia, Auditory Processing, Sensory Processing, Attention & Regulation

Kerry is a Homeschool Mom of 8. All of her children have been diagnosed with mild to severe dyslexia. Since beginning her journey with Brain Harmony,  she has seen immense progress in her children’s reading levels, communication, attention and emotional regulation, and processing. 

“We have tried so much over the years, and so many different programs, and this has made the biggest difference… it has made a huge difference in a short amount of time, so I would definitely highly recommend it.”


Isaac struggled to learn how to read right off the bat. Melissa took him for multiple screenings, where her suspicions were confirmed - Isaac was diagnosed with severe dyslexia. While Melissa altered her teaching approach, she still felt as though Isaac needed more support to progress and advance at the level she envisioned for him to reach his potential. 

“In my mind, for him to be able to really fully understand what he’s reading out loud is huge… I’m very happy with how it’s going - very happy.”

Attention & Regulation Success

When David first came to Brain Harmony he was anxious, very distracted and awkward.  He was treated with conventional occupational therapy in a large health system for over two years however he had not seen any improvements in handwriting, academics nor his nervous energy. 

"He used to be my problem child who struggled in school especially reading and writing.  Now he is my A/B, honor-roll child who unexpectedly became the quarterback of his football team.  My son is the self-confident child I always wanted him to be.  Thank you, Brain Harmony!"

 - David's Mother

Learning Ability Success

Grace came to Brain Harmony reading 4 years below her peers.  She had difficulty reading, spelling and retaining information taught to her the previous day.  Grace rarely initiated conversation with others and she would often shut down in group situations.  Additionally, Grace would only walk on her toes and skip and pace around the room. 

"You were the first ones who gave me an answer to unlock my child.  It was like she was trapped, and you let her out.  I can't believe the difference.  After only 6 months, she is reading at my level.  Thank you, Brain Harmony!" 

- Grace's Mother

Dyslexia Success

Lorelai hated reading and would have tantrums before going to school.  She was eventually diagnosed with Dyslexia.  Neither school nor traditional therapy made much difference. 

"Just the other day, I found Lorelai reading a book quietly in her room, which is something she never did before.  Not only is she reading them, but she can narrate the stories back to me, which means she's processing the information!  I cannot thank Brain Harmony enough!" 

- Lorelai's Father

Tired of making little to no gains with traditional therapy?

Contact us today to learn how Brain Harmony can help you.

Faster Stronger Smarter