Global Delays with Hypotonia


Our proprietary 5-Step Plan of Care is based on proven protocols, therapeutic activities, with over 20 years and 250,000+ hours of combined clinical practice.

Most importantly, our 5-Step Plan of Care is completely tailored to your unique challenges, needs, and goals. 

So you can get the personalized care you (or your child) needs to achieve the outcomes you need. 

Testimonials and Success Story Video

Apraxia, Sensory Processing, Hypotonic and ADLs

Sam’s hemiparesis delayed all of his motor functions since 4 months of age. At age 10, encephalitis wiped out his speech. He tried many different therapies with less than successful results. When he started with Brain Harmony, his speech, motor functions, and anxiety levels improved almost immediately. The best part was that after all of the bad experiences from the many other therapies he tried, Brain Harmony was the first therapy that Sam actually enjoyed. 

“It’s a win win for everyone and it’s so profound when you get to see how something that seems so simple, after all the things I’ve done with Sam, everything under the sun, when you see something like this that is so beautiful and so simple and works at the root of the problem, it’s so gratifying that you can be giving your child something that makes them feel good.”

Tired of making little to no gains with Traditional Therapy?

Contact us today to learn how Brain Harmony can help you.

Faster Stronger Smarter