Autism (ASD) Recovery
Autism is a term for a range developmental issues from minor quirkiness to extensive struggles with sensory processing, speech and language development, social engagement, executive function, as well as attention, learning and regulation disorders. Autism is one of the fastest growing developmental disorders in the US, according to the CDC in 2023 with 1 / 39 children diagnosed with moderate to severe ASD.
Autism recovery is best achieved with a multi-pronged approach that includes cellular support (like detoxing, improving brain-gut connection with natural supplementation) and also requires the rewiring of the brain and nervous system.
If we can alter the internal and external environment of the individual, and lessen the expression of genetic disorders, then significant healing can and will occur.
Common symptoms of autism include:
Sensory Processing Disorder including distortion in sense of touch, sounds, visual perceptual, smells, tastes and textures
Speech and language delays including being non-speaking
Excessive unfunctional movements that interfere with social engagement
Flat monotone or sing-sing voice
Repetitive behaviors
Struggling to adjust to changes in routine
Delays in social engagement
Inconsistent or functional eye contact
Learning Disorders
Can be self- injurous
Treatment of Autism must include the organization of the brain and nervous system which requires a 5 step approach.
Testimonials and Success Story Videos
Autism, Anxiety, Withdrawn and Lack of Speech
At 3 years of age Anthony was diagnosed on the autism spectrum, and suffered from anxiety, sensory overwhelm, avoiding social engagement with family and peers, global developmental delays and lack of speech. He was attending a full time ABA school with separation anxiety at drop off and minimal development. He is now in public school, on age range for almost all milestones, talking in sentences and is a happy young child.
"A couple of months ago Anthony was not talking, and I was so sad. After a few weeks with Brain Harmony, he started repeating the words I would say, and he had never done that before. Then the next week, he was putting the words together and he said his first sentence! My husband and I were floored and so excited!
After only 6 months at a full-time ABA school, I was surprised when the teachers came to me and said he does not need to come to school here anymore, he can go to a regular school now. Then the school system tested him again and said 'He is amazing, he is at age expected range in many categories. She had not seen this type of improvement from one year to the next'. When I heard that, WOW! I cried.
Try it, It works! You don't even have to drive anywhere to a clinic, you can do it in your home. I saw something different from him almost every day.
It was an answer to prayer. He is more calm, he is happier, he is more outgoing. I was praying for an answer, and He answered."
Autism, Emotional Dysregulation, and Non-Speaking
Micah was developing normally until 15 months of age and he began to regress. Diagnosed with Autism at 2 and a half years old, Micah suffered from sensory issues, was primarily nonverbal, and had severe trouble engaging with his family and surroundings. After only a few months of Brain Harmony therapy, Micah began to make eye contact and engage with his family. He has become a happy, vibrant, and engaged child. He shows affection, his sensory sensitivities have reduced, and he has made great progress in school and speech. His family is thrilled with his progress and they can’t wait to see what comes next!
“The two things I would say is that he is just more engaged and he’s just happy, he’s smiling. He’s just happy to be with us, and I think he’s happier with life. Honestly for two years we rarely saw him smile, and he has a wonderful dimple so when he smiles the whole world melts and we’re like, oh my gosh we’re seeing him smiling now, and we never saw that before. And of course as a mom all you want for your kid is to be happy, so to see him just happy, to just be alive, it’s just really cool, and I’m just super pleased with that. This program is truly life-changing. My grandson is learning new things, and is growing in ability before my eyes!”
Levi did not display typical symptoms of Autism as a child, and his symptoms were not evident until he was almost thirteen. He was angry, argumentative, impatient, and struggled with learning and interactions. His diagnosis came as somewhat of a relief to his family, who felt they were finally able to understand the root of his struggles. They set out to provide Levi with the support required for him to thrive through therapy.
“It’s been amazing to have the experience of Brain Harmony - not only because I see it doing things for him and with him, but also because it’s making him more confident. I can’t say enough wonderful things about how it has helped our son, but also our family just to see him starting to thrive.”
Autism, High Anxiety and Struggling to Communicate
Natalia is on the severe end of the autism spectrum, suffering from high general and separation anxiety, communication issues, sleep problems, and more. Her mother was having her see a speech and occupational therapist, but she eventually hit a plateau, and was making no progress. After using Brain Harmony for a month, Natalia began having incredible improvements, becoming more independent, sleeping through the night, communicating clear thoughts, having considerably less overall anxiety.
“I used it for just a month or so, but I see stuff in my daughter I have never seen. The anxiety disappeared, the sleeping got better. She’s more calm. She said, “Mommy you go to the store, I’ll stay with Dad.” She started to learn from other kids. She started to learn from her environment. She’s starting to listen more. Some people told me that she will reach a cap and will never be able be conversational. My daughter now goes to the park and talks to the kids.”
Autism, Non-speaking
Jaden was a non-speaking child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). After working with us for just a couple of months, his Mom told us, “A couple of months ago Jaden was not talking, and I was so sad. After a few weeks with Brain Harmony, he started repeating the words I would say, and he never done that before. Then the next week, he was putting the words together and he said his first sentence! My husband and I are floored and so excited! We know he is going to be just fine. It breaks my heart that kids all over the world are experiencing this. It’s unnecessary suffering.” Nervous systems CAN be reorganized, and we at Brain Harmony are so happy to help.
Speech, Language and Sensory Recovery for Harper
At two years and nine months old, Harper was only able to use about 30 words, could only label items, and was not using her words to communicate. Her speech therapist was having trouble making progress, and her lack of communication was tough on the family. After about three months of using Brain Harmony over the summer, Harper became a different person. She started communicating in sentences, reading, and acting like a vibrant young girl.
Harper got off of her therapies in May, so we were able to do it throughout the summer, and when we came back in August her therapists were floored, and that was the only change we had made. They didn’t even know what we were doing. When I had her IEP meeting they said “when you left, you left with a different kid than you came back with.”
NonSpeaking to Speaking
At Lucas’s 18th month appointment his mother Megan realized that he had never started babbling. Lucas’s only communication was through grunting, he had never slept a full night in his life, and he was frightened by loud noises and change. The first time Lucas started listening with Brain Harmony, he slept through the night and started making babbling noises. He quickly became a vibrant boy, learning to communicate affectively through words and sentences, excited to try new things by becoming much more engaged in everyday life.
“Immediately his first time listening he start babbling and making sounds, and he had never done that before. Now he almost says full sentences, sometimes he does say full sentences. I can honestly say that it is so worth it, I wouldn’t take it back for a second. It’s a huge change, sometimes I can’t believe it. It was definitely the right choice, because all of us can benefit from it.”
“I used it for just a month or so, but I see stuff in my daughter I have never seen. The anxiety disappeared, the sleeping got better. She’s more calm. She said, “Mommy you go to the store, I’ll stay with Dad.” She started to learn from other kids. She started to learn from her environment. She’s starting to listen more. Some people told me that she will reach a cap and will never be able be conversational. My daughter now goes to the park and talks to the kids.”
"This is going really great!" Mom gave her son a birthday card to write in for a family member. Mom reports he usually just signs his name or draws a picture. This time when he gave his mom the card, there were 3 sentences written in it. Mom and her son then had an open conversation about his punctuation. Mom reports that her son is reading really well these days; he and mom read together every day. "He has had a lot of success". He is taking more accountability and pride for things. "He is taking more ownership in how he factors in what will happen". Mom reports that he has moved through the 4th grade workbook and are almost done with his 5th grade workbook!
She is a different girl just this past week! Her muscle tone and strength have gotten significantly better. She takes swim lessons, and the coach would like for her move up to the next level! Mom reports that that has NEVER happened before! "I always have them telling me that she needs to stay back and repeat." She is putting her face underwater and swimming underwater! "These last 8 days have been incredible." Her speech is continuing to improve, slowly. Mom reports that her cognition is getting better and her speech is lagging a little. Her speech therapist reports seeing really good progress
Griffin's parents sought help when he was two and a half years old. He was sensitive to sound and had not started to speak like other children his age. He would spend hours playing alone, rarely engaging other children. "When our son was diagnosed with autism, we were stunned. This program has been nothing short of miraculous for our family. Giving our son the ability to achieve his full human potential." - Griffin's Dad
Autism with Speech Delay 3.5 years old. Mom reports that Lucia is doing great! "I cannot believe it; it is like a miracle! One day she just started repeating words the whole day and is now starting to say 3-word sentences like 'I want milk!’” Mom is thrilled with the progress shown so far.
Autism, 4YO speech delay. Julian's language is trying to explode! He is trying his best to talk all the time, mainly saying fragmented 2-3 letter word combinations. He is understanding a lot better! On his 4th birthday he blew out the candles on his own!! He is also pushing while on the toilet for bowel movements on his own now, which a visual reward in place (he was stool withholding)! Mom reports that he is going through some separation anxiety now, having some resistance to getting out of the car at certain places and saying 'no' a lot. Therapist explained that since he never went through the terrible twos and independent phase, that his brain has gotten so much organization that he is now going through this phase! Mom is not worried, as he has gotten over most things in a few weeks. Therapist explained looking at this as a positive that he is working through this independent phase as his brain is reorganizing.
“It's been amazing to have the experience of Brain Harmony - not only because I see it doing things for him and with him, but also because it's making him more confident. I can't say enough wonderful things about how it has helped our son, but also our family just to see him starting to thrive.”