Sensory Processing Disorder


Sensory Processing Disorder is a condition that can affect both adults and children, characterized by a heightened sensitivity to things in one’s environment due to the brain’s trouble receiving and responding to information that is transmitted through the senses. Common sounds and touch may trigger the feeling of pain or stress for those who suffer with Sensory Processing Disorder. It can also cause lack of coordination, expressed through clumsy tendencies, inability to decipher where their limbs are in a space, and difficulty engaging in conversation or play.  

Problems with sensory integration (SI) may affect not only a patient’s physical enactment of activities, but also his or her feelings of competency in the context of social participation. 

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Treatment Methods

Our proprietary 5-Step Plan of Care is based on proven protocols, therapeutic activities, with over 20 years and 250,000+ hours of combined clinical practice.

Most importantly, our 5-Step Plan of Care is completely tailored to your unique challenges, needs, and goals. 

So you can get the personalized care you (or your child) needs to achieve the outcomes you need. 

Occupational Therapists are the founders and pioneers of sensory integration (i.e., the brain’s organization of sensation for use) which is viewed as integral to the child’s successful performance of daily occupations (Ayres, 1979; Parham, 2002). 

One of the most fundamental ideas in the SI conceptual framework is that the early developing, body-centered senses (tactile, vestibular, and proprioceptive) provide a foundation for the development of later maturing visual and auditory systems (Ayres, 1972, 1979). In her synthesis of neurobiological and developmental research, Ayres theorized that early development and integration of the tactile, vestibular, and proprioceptive systems allow for the formation of body scheme, object concepts, and body-centered spatial mapping of the environment. These elementary functions eventually become automatized and serve as a platform for the layering of more complex auditory and visual functions (Ayres, 1972, 1979; Smith Roley, 2005). 

Co-Founder of Brain Harmony which specializes in sensory integration, Carol Garner-Houston OTR/L, had the following to say about Brain Harmony’s Home Program, “After 22 years of study and practice in occupational therapy and sensory integrative approaches, we have found a combined approach of reflex integration, regulation of the vagus nerve and iLs focus system are delivering the highest level of outcomes and performance in the treatment of sensory processing disorders. Children and families are no longer provided with compensatory strategies with short term impact. We are providing the deepest level of neurological organization to the most primitive levels of the central nervous system.

Testimonials & Success Stories

Sensory Processing Disorder

Ellen’s son Conor was diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder and slight ADHD. He would have multiple breakdowns, hide, and was perpetually scared. Despite hearing discouraging remarks from Conor’s initial behavioral specialists, Ellen refused to lose hope that Conor’s condition would improve. 2 days after completing his first five day protocol with Brain Harmony, Conor made eye contact and socially engaged in a way his family had never witnessed before.

“By the time he started second grade, he was a different kid. He walks through the halls differently, he holds his head differently. He was comfortable in his skin, he was a happier child… It works… When you have this therapy in your home and you’re using it and encouraging your child to use it.. it’s going to change your life. And I know that is a bold statement.. but it’s going to change your life. It really is.”

Sensory Integration, Academic Struggles, Anxiety, Sleep Struggles

Cassie and her husband were at their wits end after trying everything to help manage their son Emery’s stress, insomnia, and trouble learning at school. When Cassie heard about Brain Harmony on a Wellness Mama podcast, she knew she had to give it a shot. After an incredible free consultation, she decided to have the whole family begin the therapy. Within a short amount of time Emery began sleeping, his stress levels went down tremendously, he started excelling in school, and for the first time in his life he was playing sports with his siblings. His two brothers also saw incredible improvements in stress levels, creativity, and learning. His youngest brother in kindergarten is even reading at a 1st grade level!

“We were kind of at our wit’s end and just didn’t really have a lot of options, so I thought - what do I have to lose? We had been two years on multiple different doctors appointments and not getting anywhere. So I reached out to you for the free consult, and after speaking with you it was like you knew things that no other doctor had ever put the pieces together, and I just thought okay this is a definite for Emery. Really this is the only things that’s worked for us… you pick him up from school and he had a smile on his face… his quality of life has just really increased tremendously.”

Sensory Processing, Apraxia, Legally Blind, Hypotonic and ADLs

At 4 months old Sam got Hemiparesis which delayed all of his motor functions. At 10 he had encephalitis which wiped out his speech. He tried many different therapies with less than successful results. When he started with Brain Harmony, his speech, motor functions, and anxiety levels improved almost immediately. The best part was that after all of the bad experiences from the many other therapies he tried, Brain Harmony was the first therapy that Sam actually enjoyed. 

“It’s a win win for everyone and it’s so profound when you get to see how something that seems so simple, after all the things I’ve done with Sam, everything under the sun, when you see something like this that is so beautiful and so simple and works at the root of the problem, it’s so gratifying that you can be giving your child something that makes them feel good.”

Dyslexia, Auditory Processing, Sensory Processing, Attention & Regulation

Kerry is a Homeschool Mom of 8. All of her children have been diagnosed with mild to severe dyslexia. Since beginning her journey with Brain Harmony,  she has seen immense progress in her children’s reading levels, communication, attention and emotional regulation, and processing. 

“We have tried so much over the years, and so many different programs, and this has made the biggest difference… it has made a huge difference in a short amount of time, so I would definitely highly recommend it.”

Sensory Integration Concerns with Speech and Language/ Communication Delay

At two years and nine months old, Harper was only able to use about 30 words, could only label items, and was not using her words to communicate. Her speech therapist was having trouble making progress, and her lack of communication was tough on the family. After about three months of using Brain Harmony over the summer, Harper became a different person. She started communicating in sentences, reading, and acting like a vibrant young girl.

Her Mom’s report at the time: “Harper got off of her therapies in May, so we were able to do it throughout the summer, and when we came back in August her therapists were floored, and that was the only change we had made. They didn’t even know what we were doing. When I had her IEP meeting they said ‘When you left, you left with a different kid than you came back with.’”

Update 3 years later: “Harper is doing spectacular. She is unbelievably social and intelligent. Most people are surprised to hear she had any developmental delays. I never could have expected her to be doing as well as she is. She is thriving. We had an incredible experience with the program.” 

Cooper struggled at home, on the playground and at school.  He was so sensitive to sound, he could not participate in basic childhood activities, like birthday parties.  A popped balloon or the neighbor's barking dog would create a level of hysteria that left him and mom exhausted. 

"Brain Harmony is Amazing!  Our son has experienced outstanding (almost unbelievable) progress in their care.  They have effectively changed the trajectory of our son's life.  As a result, he is a happier, healthier little man with a very hopeful perspective on his issues.  We are immensely grateful and will forever hold Brain Harmony in the highest regard."  - Cooper's Mom

“Carol and the people here are amazing at what they do. My son used to struggle in crowds or around a group of people. He would scream from all the auditory stimulation. Also, his diet suffered because of the texture and temperature of foods. He remained pretty dormant and never really did many activities. All I can say is WOW! He’s like a miracle child. Now, he’s ok in crowds, ok with noises and in group settings. As a matter of fact, he’s a social butterfly and popular in his pre-k class. He communicates and advocates for himself amazingly well about what he likes, wants, dislikes and needs in an advanced manner now. His diet has expanded and we are no longer worried whether his nutritional needs are being met. He will even eat cold stuff now which is amazing! Last but not least and certainly not all the changes we’ve seen in him, he no longer stays dormant hiding in a corner watching videos. It’s like he’s alive now! He’s at the top of his gymnastics class. He’s the fastest in his class. He loves playing outside and building things. Our child is night and day different! Thank you for all you did to help our son. You were literally an answer to our prayers! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND BRAIN HARMONY!”

“Brain Harmony changed my son's life! After my son was diagnosed with SPD and ADD at age 6 I was so uncertain of what this meant for our family. I read everything I could get my hands about SPD and came to the quick conclusion that his condition could be "managed" but it will be a series of trial and error and learning the tools to deal with his condition. When we found Brain Harmony we thought what they had to offer was too good to be true! Reorganizing the brain by engaging its Neuroplasticity seemed like science fiction but within weeks I could see my son changing! He had more confidence in himself and the world around him. He spoke to you instead of at you and eye contact was finally not a struggle for him. Brain Harmony changed the trajectory of his life and mine! I loved them so much I came to work for them!”

“I notice that he has been making more eye contact. He also hugged his dad back, which never happens! He also used his own money to buy his sister a necklace and then gave her a hug for the first time ever!”

When asked if she has seen any “inch-stones of development”, mom reports he is not chewing on his shirts as much anymore! Mom is thrilled that she doesn't have to spend money on shirts every other week.

Mom reports that listening is going really well. His babbling has cleared up almost 100% and parents are able to understand him a lot better. Her son is saying more phrases and trying to get more sentences in. His coordination is also better according to Dad. "It's like the cobwebs have cleared up!"


Neurological, behavioral and developmental disorders like PTSD, anxiety, autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, dyslexia, TBI, and Parkinson’s are most often treated with pharmaceuticals.

But, that isn’t always an appropriate or sustainable option, especially for children.

Carol Garner-Houston, co-founder and Chief Medical Officer of Brain Harmony, has created a non-pharmaceutical treatment option that can start to take effect in just five days. Neuroplastic tools such as bone conduction and sound frequency can be used to make changes in the brain.

Her bottom-up approach uses audio frequencies to pinpoint different parts of brain, stimulate them, and build connections to improve cognitive functions.

Listen as Carol joins Dr. Taz to discuss how brain functions can be improved through telemedicine.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • the body systems that control attention and behavior in children

  • Brain Harmony tools and techniques for retraining connections in the brain (and what the inner ear has to do with it)

  • the importance of the vagus nerve and how to optimize it

  • how simple movements can help rewire the brain

  • the ways sound and light can change how the brain works

  • why the vestibular system is so important (and how to improve its function)

  • the reason to limit technology that you’ve probably never thought of

  • and more!


Tired of making little to no gains with traditional therapy?

Contact us today to learn how Brain Harmony can help you.

Faster Stronger Smarter